Breech Baby Bootcamp

Is your baby breech and you feel like you are running out of time before you are told you must have a caesarean?  Do you feel as if you have tried everything and have no other choices left?  I offer a Breech Baby Bootcamp which is a 1 to 1 session lasting an hour and a half.  During this time we use different methods to encourage your baby to turn and get into an optimum birthing position.  This session can be offered at the Camomile Rooms in Cheltenham or in your own home and includes hypnotherapy, exercises and an introduction to Moxibustion treatments, a non-invasive and very successful way of helping you baby to turn. The ideal time to have these sessions is between 34 and 37 Weeks pregnant, but they can also be successful later than this, so you can try this technique until your baby is considered full term.  A randomised controlled trial indicates that at approximately 70% of breech babies will turn using the moxibustion method, and hypnotherapy can also be very successful because of the relaxation it induces.

Breech Baby Bootcamps cost £60

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